
Veinwave eliminates thread & spider veins via the use of high frequency microwaves, which are used to heat the veins under the skin, which in turn destroys the vein leaving your with blemish-free skin.

  1. Quick, non-surgical and permanent
  2. Works especially well on smaller, thinner veins
  3. Higher success rate than laser

Veinwave is a revolutionary technique used to eliminate spider veins on the face and legs and also fine thread veins known as Telangiectasia. Veinwave utilises radio waves which emanate from  a pen-like needle that is inserted lightly under skin which has been pre-treated with a topical cream to minimise any potential discomfort.

Veinwave uses a technique called Thermocoagulation which essentially heats the vein walls, collapsing them and therefore instantly visibly eliminating them.

Veinwave therapy may be used on many areas:

  • Face
  • Arms
  • Knees
  • Legs
  • Nose
  • Ankles

The treatment is usually effective after a single session; however, all my clients receive a mandatory 4-week follow up session which may involve extra treatment to ensure the best results.

Veinwave is a quick procedure with no down time and you can resume normal activities immediately after treatment. A temporary redness may occur after the procedure, which we calm down with a Zinc-based anti-inflammatory cream. During the recovery period, which may last from 3 to 7 days, minute scab marks may appear along the treated vein but these will fade within a few days or can be easily disguised with loose powder.

When the results will be seen?

With the Veinwave system, you will see results immediately following your treatment as the spider veins collapse and close immediately. The result will continue to improve over the next few days, until you are assessed on your 4-week review appointment.

The results are permanent.

Advantages of receiving vein wave over other treatments:

  • Almost pain-free
  • No bruising
  • No downtime
  • Sensitive areas like the face are treatable
  • A high degree of safety
  • Faster than other spider vein treatments, hence less cost for you


Veinwave: The Machine
The Veinwave Machine
Veinwave: An example
An example of a spider vein under the eye; this would be invisible after treatment

"There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age."

Sophia Loren