
In small doses, toxin-based injections can dramatically reduce skin wrinkles and also help treat some muscle conditions.

  1. Eliminate wrinkles
  2. Results visible within 3-14 days
  3. Many areas available for treatment
  4. Results last months
  5. Extremely successful at treating excessive sweating

Wrinkle smoothing injections (toxin-based) are by far one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the UK, and Botulinum toxin tends to be the agent which is used most to relax the dynamic muscles which cause wrinkles.

With this procedure the lines are gently relaxed and a softer appearance is achieved.

Unlike surgery, the procedure is quick, minimises uncomfortable pain and can be completed within a few minutes. Results are visible after 7-14 days with the effect lasting around 4 months.

What areas can be treated?

Forehead lines

Surprised lines over the frontalis muscles become more apparent and deeper as we age.

These lines can be totally eliminated, giving you a fresh and alert appearance.

Crow's Feet (to the side of the eyes)

These form at the outer corners of your eyes and can be eradicated with the right treatment. Due to it being a very sensitive area, we use ice packs prior to injection - to minimise any possible bruising.

Man receiving botox


Brows can droop or drop when we age, giving rise to a hooded look. By injecting toxin in certain aspects of a brow line an elevated arched look is achieved which can be very feminine and rejuvenating.

Under the eyes

Sometimes there are creases present underneath the eyes. By placing controlled units of toxin in the Orbicularis Oculi, the muscle relaxes giving a smother appearance to both eyes.

Bunny lines

So called "bunny lines" appear when we wrinkle up our nose. Botox injections, into the Nasalis muscle either side of the nose will dramatically improve them.

Nasal flare

Injections to the flares of the nose, will minimise the excessive movements of the side of the nose.

Projecting the lip contour

Micro injections to muscles around the lip border, make lips stay more pronounced. The injections of toxin relax the mouth muscles which results in the upper lip rolling or flipping upwards - giving the impression of fuller lips.

Treatment of "gummy smile"

On animation or during smile, the gingiva (upper gum)is highly visible. On frontal and profile views, there is excessive gum show and normally roping of the tip of nose. The upper lip also invert becoming even thinner.

Injections points to lower level, into Levator Labii Superiororis, clearly depicting the positive changes in the patient with gummy smile.

The chin

The muscles in the chin become over-active with age, creating a dimpled looked known as "cobbled chin", or "orange peel". Injections of toxin into the Submental muscles will reduce the overall size of these dimples.

Jaw line and neck

The lower third of the face is the part that often shows the most undesirable ageing signs such as: deep commissure ("sad mouth syndrome"), and deep definition of the Mandible Arch and Platysma lines (the unfortunately named "turkey neck").

Injections can be used effectively to smooth and relax the lines here, a procedure known as the ‘Nefertiti lift’.

Jaw angle

Prolonged episodes of teeth grinding and jaw clenching also know as “bruxism”, can result in worn teeth, headaches and inner ear-aches. The muscles in this area can be injected into, giving two advantages: a) a calming of the muscles to alleviate the bouts of grinding & clenching and b) give rise to a super model’s look due to a more slender jaw line. This treatment is often sought by young celebrities.

Treatment of excessive sweating (Hyperhidrosis)

Hyperhidrosis is a common disorder, where sweat glands produce too much sweat with serious practical consequences. Sweating can complicate social and business interactions, stain clothes and in general be needlessly embarrasing.

Botulinum toxin is one of treatment options. It is FDA approved to treat under the arms and palms of hands effectively, to eliminate excess sweat excretion.

"Aging is a fact of life. Looking your age is not"

Botox: Neck Rejuvenation
Neck rejuvenation
Botox: Neck Rejuvenation 2
Neck rejuvenation
Botox: Minimise gum visibility while smiling
Minimise gum visibility while smiling

"There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age."

Sophia Loren